Hiveworks is currently CLOSED to submissions for new and existing webcomics until further notice. All pitches will be left unread.
Are there any restrictions for international artists (outside US)?
Several of our artists are located in Europe, Canada and South America. Location is not an issue.
Are there any limitations on the language of submitted works?
Although the location and native language of the artist does not influence our selection process, the submitted comics must be in English. Comics may be bilingual; we already have a few that are available in two languages (such as Boumeries - comics.boumerie.com). However, bilingual works need to prioritize the English version, and the translation cannot be fan-made, since we can't ensure updates or quality control with fan translations. Translations need to be made by the creator or a professional overseen by the creator.
I’m underage or on a team with someone that is underage (under 18 years old). Does that mean I can’t submit to Hiveworks?
All creators and team members need to be of legal age (in the United States or in their country of residence, whichever is higher).
As an added note, we encourage applicants who are still in school to consider their class workload when they plan their comic and decide on their update schedule. If you are in university, mention this in your production timeline so we know you’ve taken your workload into account.
Speaking of production timelines – what are those?
A production timeline is basically project steps pinned on a timeline: the project’s history, the steps that will go into making your pages, how long you want the story to be, when you wish to produce a printed collection, etc.
I work under a pseudonym/nickname/preferred name for personal reasons. I was wondering if I could pitch to you using that name?
Many artists work under pseudonyms, pen names or preferred names. However, we will require legal names for our publishing agreements and at times to verify identity. Legal names are kept confidential when requested, so let us know your situation.
I’ve recently signed a book publishing deal with [Publisher]. Does this disqualify me from being accepted?
Hiveworks is a publisher, so the answer is generally yes. However, if you know you have retained the digital rights to your comic or your publisher would like to collaborate with us on digital publishing, let us know.
Will you be contacting refused submissions? What is the interview process when people are selected?
Creators may be invited to a phone or video chat interview prior to acceptance. Refused pitches may not be responded to; if you do not receive a response within 6 weeks, your comic has not been accepted. Comics may also not be initially accepted, but set aside and contacted during a different production period.
Please note that, as always, we have a limited amount of spots available, and many applicants. Don’t be discouraged by a first refusal!
How often is a creator expected to post new pages of their comic?
We encourage folks to update twice per week if they can, and 2-3 updates per week is ideal for us to work our magic on new launches.
Weekly page quantity aside, a stable update schedule is essential. Our comics update on various schedules, from once per week to every day. Your update schedule will be taken into account when drafting your agreement, if accepted.
I was wondering what format the script had to be in. Do you require the classic movie script type or are other formats allowed as long as the story is conveyed and it makes sense?
Send us your script examples or thumbnail examples in the format you intend to work in.
Does my comic need its own website already to be considered?
We care more about the content of your comic than the website it’s on when you submit. As your publisher, if your submission is accepted you’ll get a brand new site designed and hosted by our team.